Are you an obedient child?
I saw the same mail chute, protruding from a blank wall in three different states. The chute was designed to deliver specific individualized letters of direction to the servants of God.
The first time I saw it, the bottom portion was ripped to shreds as people tried to tear out their assignment before it was fully formed.
The second time I saw it, the entire chute had been destroyed and only a small amount of twisted metal remained. People pulled it apart, angry that God hadn’t given them the assignment that they wanted and they felt they deserved.
The third time, it was overstuffed with large manila envelopes containing orders from the King, and they overflowed to the floor. Assignments had been sent out and ignored and they piled up. I had an understanding that when one was left undone, it profoundly affected the others.
I felt a deep sense of grief.
God answered my unasked questions. “Many people say that they are Christians and desire to serve Me. But very few do the work that is set before them with a servant’s heart, in glad expectation of each assignment, even those that seem less worthy or unimportant. Instead they delay, disdain and ignore direct orders from Me. They justify their disobedience in their own hearts.”
If we claim to be servants of God, we cannot afford to delay, disdain or ignore our assignments. Maybe our tasks weren’t what we expected, or our character hadn’t been developed enough yet to receive what we have been promised. But we must work with a servant’s heart and do the assignment God has given us to the best of our ability. Because as a part of the Body of Christ, we must trust that our Lord has knit each person and their individual tasks into an impressive design.
Are you an obedient child?
I know I have been guilty of thinking an assignment was not important enough to take it seriously. I’ve also delayed doing a task because it seemed irrelevant or worse, embarrassed me. Other times I’ve felt like other people always seemed to get the project I felt God created for me. I’m embarrassed to say I do not always react with the heart of a servant. In fact, I disappoint myself regularly. But I know that God somehow still believes in me and will continue to train me up so that I will conduct His business with joy and pride in a job well done.
“And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38, ESV).
Mary reacted with such a servant’s heart. It has always impressed me with how quickly she responded and with her entire existence. She held nothing back.
What if we did that? What would our lives be like?
Are you an obedient child?
Prayer for you and me: Lord Jesus, help us react with the complete and immediate obedience no matter what the assignment. Let us obey like Mary. Help us humble ourselves to joyfully look for Your hand in our lives. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.