Generational Prayer
I saw a tent that led miles and miles and miles into the distance and at the front of the tent; I saw a tall sturdy pole anchored in the ground with cement. Then, as the tent continued, there were areas that were drooping or falling. I had a deep understanding that strong anchored posts at regular intervals were necessary to keep the tent together, especially with such longevity of the line. He helped me to understand that this was my family generationally and that having firm support, rooted and grounded in Jesus in the beginning, and throughout generations, is crucial. It is crucial for each family unit to be deeply rooted in a relationship with Christ.
As I looked out over my family tent, generations, forwards and backwards in time, I felt overwhelmed and saddened by its current state. Immediately He brought into my heart the solution. He reminded me He lives outside time, and that we can pray, blessings and the breaking off of curses forward and backwards in time and rest, assured that the fulfillment of these blessings and this removal of curses is the Lord’s business. He will carry it out according to His grand purposes and plans, if our requests follow biblical truth.
So, the most important task is to trust that the Lord is taking care of your family, even if things are broken or they are sideways. They might even be about to fall. He still has all these things in His hands, and that there is more than enough grace and blessing to restore right standing and to bring strength to the family line.
God is listening to our generational prayers.
“But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children’s children—” (Psalm 103:17, NIV)
I invite you into the idea of praying generationally forward and backwards in time because again we serve a God that is outside time. Not only is He eternal, but He doesn’t operate under the restraints of time, therefore all things are possible according to His will.
My brain tried to wrap around this concept of Him being eternal and outside time and here is a brief venture into my brain twirling, trying to grasp the concept. He knows if we, three generations forward in time, from an event or choice made by our ancestors are going to pray protection, blessing or prevention for that event He can choose to carry out this prayer in history. Even though the prayer remained unreleased for decades.
Don’t let this burden your heart. He is a good Father that will bring into your heart how to pray. You don’t have to strive to think about every possible prayer. Just pray as He directs.
Blessings for your family
Lord Jesus, I asked for blessings for my family that there will be strong anchors and pillars that root each household into the Lord. Any households that are operating outside the promises or the will of God, we asked for those people to be enlightened that Your wisdom floods them and that they immediately go back into alignment with you.
We speak light and life into the generations, into the head of the household, forward and backwards in time. Embolden them to speak out Your truth. Let them neither turn to the left nor the right, but focus their eyes on You.
We ask for wisdom for the head of the household generationally, for both are birth families, but also our spouses’ families that You might guide them to walk in Your plans and purposes.
Let love pour out generationally into any of the broken cracks. Into the places of misunderstanding, misinformation, and misdiagnoses, we ask that His love flow and that everything will be made righteous and true.
We ask for a restoration of the blessings to each household, and the head of the household will rise up and will speak out these blessings with truth and strength and with no fear.
We ask that each generation has a strong biblical head of the household to lead it into the spiritual depth and love of Christ.
Breaking off generational curses forward and backward in time.
We break off the curses of fear and doubt in the mighty name of Jesus. No household shall operate from a spirit of fear, but they will operate from a spirit of authority in Christ, and by His wisdom, word, will, and plans.
None of the weapons, known or unknown, will prevail against them, for they will all be annihilated in the powerful name of Jesus.
There shall no longer be a spirit of lack, a lie, that allows the head of the household or the entire generation to believe that there’s not enough. Instead, God will replace this lie with a deep knowledge of God’s over abundance that is poured out with His grace.
Any curses against the foundation and the knowledge of Christ for each individual household, generationally forward and backwards in time, we break those off now and we speak into our families, strength, love, and a desire for a relationship with Christ. Grant them a deep anchoring in Your wisdom and in Your love.
Lord, we ask for every blessing you have for our families generationally forwards and backwards in time that we eat of these blessings and that we do not turn any aside but that we fully engage in what You have for us thank you, Lord Jesus amen.
Prayer for you and me: Thank You, Jesus, that You hear our prayers, and You guide them so that we might stay in perfect alignment with You. If we wander, grant us wisdom to come back to Your will and pray according to Your promises. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
Yea and Amen! This is on time and in alignment with what God is speaking right now. 🙌🏽 Thank you for sharing what God placed on your spirit.