Grinding gears!
I’m not a mechanical engineer by any means. Ok, that’s an understatement but, I know how gears work.
Gears work by the teeth of both small and large gears linking together, then a handle hooks into one “master” gear horizontally so that with one simple twist, all the gears will spin together almost effortlessly.
In my vision, I saw a malformed gear mechanism. The handle was put between one tooth of a gear and then you had to push the handle, grinding and fighting the mechanism until it reached another gear, and then the entire process had to be done again. Finding another tooth and painfully pushing forward to the next gear. Horribly inefficient.
Then, in contrast, I saw the effortless gear system again. An overall feeling of peace descended.
He explained to me, this is the difference between God being just your Savior and God being your Lord and Savior.
If He is Lord, He orchestrates the entire gear complex, and it rotates with ease.
If each piece isn’t orchestrated by Him, it requires individual re-arrangement, and re-alignment each time.
Staying in alignment is easier than going in and out. Let us not be found grinding gears.
Wow! I needed to hear this. (And I continue to need to hear it)
This vision had me searching for the places in my life that were running a little rough and examining them to see if maybe I was taking myself out of His control and trying it my own way. Shifting the handle out and pushing into a gear and grinding that gear when it should have been gliding.
Ugh, because when I take a closer look. I see all my points of struggle are points of mistrust, some on small degrees and others on larger.
I saw a meme recently that said, “What you worry about the most often reveals where you trust God the least.” Worry is another point where you are grinding gears.
I, I am the Lord, and besides me there is no savior. (Isaiah 43:11, ESV)
Every time we stop listening to what God told us and start making our own way, we forfeit the benefits of God being our Lord. Christ our Savior paid for our sins and reconciled us to the Father, granting us eternal life and every blessing available from above.
But He wants more for us, not to be only our Savior but also our Lord. To help us make decisions at every level. To make our lives glide better, not remove all the work or effort. But to partner with us as we submit to His plan. We can’t be running rogue and hoping the Lord will partner with us just because we desire it or think it’s the best for ourselves. As the Maker of the universe, He has all the answers to our puzzling problems when we submit.
Have you ever found yourself trying to be your own Lord?
You’ve accepted Him as Savior, but aren’t quite letting Him be Lord?
Maybe only in one specific area of your life? I don’t know but it’s worth asking yourself.
Prayer for you and me: Lord, help us stop trying to be our own lords. How silly of us when we have access to Your overwhelming love, grace, and wisdom to go after our own understanding. Forgive us, show us where we’re hindering our own lives. Thank You, Jesus. Amen
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. (Proverbs 3: 5-7, ESV)
You may be saying to yourself, boy this woman brings up Provers 3:5-7 a lot, and you would be correct. I need this reminder daily. Because I often skitter off into my understanding much too quickly. Bear with me as I remind myself to submit to His omniscient knowledge. (prayers appreciated)