Left out
Left out: also means available for …
In our society we are often faced with FOMO= Fear Of Missing Out. This fear taps into our desire to love and be loved to be included and cherished.
Being included in large groups requires you to dedicate all your time and effort to maintaining those relationships and activities. It’s enjoyable, affirming, and full of love, but it also means that you become completely filled up and have no time left to give to God. Instead of seeking love and approval from God, you receive it from people.
It’s good to be in loving connected relationships, both romantic, and friendships. Can we have both? Amazing relationships with people and God?
I think there are people that draw us closer to God and help us be the best version of ourselves. And that is so very good
But even then, we need to be careful because we can be tempted to put them higher than God.
I think God designed us to have both. To desire and engage in relationships with people and with Him. The trouble is getting the balance right. Without His input on how we spend our time and energy, we will get it wrong. Our hearts get swept away with loving and serving others and we forget our first love.
So, when you are “left out,” consider that the Lord is gifting you some time for reflection with Him.
Left out
Maybe you are left out to leave a space to develop a yearning for a deeper love.
Maybe you are left out to allow you to take time to consider an evaluate life according to God’s plan and not your own.
Maybe you are left out to allow time and space for God to speak about some specific thing where you may have been operating in autopilot mode.
Let me ask a significant question and leave you with it to take it into prayer and see what He has to say.
Do you know what God would do with your extra time if you had any?
Prayer for you and me: Lord, we surrender our hearts and minds during this time of feeling left out. Our hearts are hurting, and our minds are devising scenarios, plots and schemes to gain access into someone’s life. Free us from our striving. Grant us Your peace. We surrender to what You want to do with this precious time given to us when we are left out. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
Great Post!
So on point, Heather! Thank you for sharing this insight.