Pushed out of my comfort zone
When I first entered the jungle, I was laser-focused on a branch with exotic and unique flowers on it. Flora I had never seen before. The Lord prompted me to let go of my hyper-focus and see the forest. As I scanned the area, I saw a waterfall in the near distance. Intrigued, I suddenly arrived behind the waterfall and stood on a ledge. Perched there, the view was amazing, not to mention my whole body trembled with the power of the pounding water. Breathless, I tried to take it all in.
Then suddenly the back of the wall started protruding out, pushing me off the ledge. I wasn’t scared but exhilarated as a plunged into the deep below.
The Lord then brought me back to see behind the waterfall and it was then I saw at least four other places where the wall pushed out, invading the scant space on the ledge. Creating a location no one could stand on.
When I asked Him what those were, He replied. “Those were the times in your life where I needed to move you. To push you off the ledge. You my darling, are always willing to go. Others fight and scream. Continue to pray for me to deepen your yes.”
You must know two things regarding this vision.
First, the Lord has given me the desire to pray to deepen my yes. Jesus, please grant me immediate and complete obedience without fighting against You. Take my best yes and deepen it. I have prayed this for over two years now.
Second, before receiving this vision in my Bible reading, I was in Acts. Specifically, where God shifted and pushed apostles together and apart. Creating new teams, dynamic teams that changed the world.
Disagreement Between Paul and Barnabas
“Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the believers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing.” Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them, but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the believers to the grace of the Lord. He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.” (Acts 15:36- 41, NIV)
At that time, Paul, Barnabas, and Mark had been a team and then the Lord shifted it to be Paul Silas and Timothy. I don’t think God caused the argument, but I think God used it for good.
I am attempting to understand or at least be obedient and accepting of the breaking down of some alliances or bonds to shift me to new relationships that need to happen. I’m saying okay to stepping out of my comfort zone.
Ultimately, I rest in knowing that His plans are always superior to mine. He has the fullness of time and insight into all the players’ rules and destinies. How could I ever understand it all or make a better decision than Him? Yet it still feels uneasy or sometimes even a shock when we are thrust out of a relationship or a location. As humans, we love our routines, but are they getting us where we need to be?
I honestly don’t know
Has he ever abruptly or even gradually moved you out of your comfort zone?
Conversely, have you ever felt stuck in a situation where God never moved you?
How did it feel?
How would you counsel someone in this situation? Is there a scripture you clung to?
Prayer for you and me: Lord, deepen our yes. Move us where we need to go, outside of our comfort zone. Keep us from clinging to the past, instead, let us joyfully jump out into the refreshing adventure You have for us. Comfort us in this time. In Jesus’ name, amen.