Walk in Liberty: Rip off the Veil
As I looked out, it was as if there were a gray fog or mist over my eyes. I didn’t understand what I saw at first if a veil or gray cloth was covering my eyes from the outside or inside. This deeply disturbed me and no matter how I tried, I couldn’t figure out how to get the mist to clear off my eyes. I was afraid to move for fear of doing something wrong. As my panic dissipated, I could ask what I was supposed to be learning.
“Lord, what am I supposed to be doing or praying about for this situation?”
“You must ask for discernment. Some people have a veil over their eyes from the inside, some from the outside or both. You must know what veils plague them to understand how to pray.”
That seemed straightforward enough until my mind wandered into how they got there territory. But He had more to say.
“I want no veils on you. I paid the price for the veil to be ripped from the top down after My work on the cross was finished. You played no part in the ripping of the veil. It was by My grace and My grace alone. Therefore, I remove all veils, both internal and external, by My grace. Your job is to pray for the discernment to know how to pray for each person you encounter.”
I prayed for discernment to see first if I had any veils that hindered my vision and, therefore, my decision-making process.
He revealed quite a few, I’m sad to say. I’ll only disclose one of them. Busyness.
Ugh. He brought this up, and I immediately felt convicted. He pointed out how when I was so busy with the mundane, “have to” of this world, it made me blind to other people’s needs. External problems, both real and some imagined, blocked my vision.
As I delved deeper, He revealed that each external veil had an internal veil attached to it. Exposing this lie or veil is paramount in being free to see people and life’s circumstances in the light of God’s truth.
The lies I had connected to this ‘busy veil’ were the spirit of lack, desire to please people/fear of man, societal pressures of what being a “good mother” meant and fear of the future. When exposed, fear of the future is doubt of God’s provision and sovereign will in my and my family’s life. Yuck.
This sort of peeling back of one’s operating system can be painful at first, but then is liberating.
All of this exposure happened within moments when I allowed God to show me how my actions and mind sets were connected to faulty thinking.
Once our operating systems/ brains are set right by the truth of His Word and will, it leaves us clean eyes to see reality as God sees it. Creating a clean slate for righteous decisions and therefore actions to be grown.
Do you believe you have any old mind-sets or veils that are blocking you from seeing the world as God intended?
Let Him work with your willing heart to expose the lies to receive the truth.
Walking in liberty is worth the work.
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matt. 5:14-16, ESV)
If the world can’t see our light, how will they know who to come to for help?
How will they know who walks in victory? If those who are supposed to walk in victory because of veils keep their truth hidden.
Prayer for you and me: Often, Lord, we’re making decisions based on our best efforts and not Your truth. Please forgive us, and in Your mercy, expose our blinding veils. We want to walk in Your liberty so that we might be guides to show the world how to walk with You. Help us, we are surrendering our wills to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.